The Catch Up Post

It has been a few weeks since I have posted and before I start posting crafts again I guess should tell you all a little bit about what has been going on. Since my last post the kids and I have been extremely busy!

20150520_144039First of all I went to England! I just recently got back from an intensive creative writing course in the South of England, County East Sussex, in a little town called Lewes. I spent my days hiking the South Downs and writing. It was such a beautiful trip, although when it came time to come home I was ready. I was ready to come back and see my family, friends, and get back to Penny and Jude.

wpid-20150619_101337.jpgPenny and Jude were also busy while I was away, particularly Penny. While I was away, Penny was finishing up her last few weeks of preschool. Today was her last day and I am thrilled to say that I was there to bring her and pick her up from her last day of preschool. She was so incredibly cute telling me about how she was graduating and asking me when I would be graduating myself. The picture on the left is a picture of Jude giving Penny her last day high-five. They have had this tradition for I want to say the last four or five months. Penny gives me a hug good-bye and then walks up the ramp into the school, but not before giving her brother a high-five. It is such a cute little tradition and as I realized it would be the last time I would see it I quickly grabbed a picture of it, of course I got my finger in it. Anyway it is still a cute picture of the moment.

So that is what has been happening on this end of the blog. I hope the beginning of the summer has been treating you all well. I’ve got a few summer surprises in store for the kids so check back soon.

~The Pinning Nanny