Minion Fingers

It’s the end of the week and it is time for my favorite post of the week, not only because it signifies almost the end of my work and school week, the results post! This week was a bit rough for the kids and I because Jude and I both have a fierce cold and Penny has a strong case of the sniffles that is threatening to become as fierce of a cold as Jude and I have had. Because of all the tissues, snot, coughing, and tears (of Jude’s not mine! Ok maybe I shed a fews tears, but that has everything to do with me just finishing a good book and not the cold.) none of us had the true enthusiasm we usually have while making our crafts.

After forcing myself off the couch and away from the warm blanket I tried to convince them, and myself a little bit, that making these puppets would be more fun than watching another show. I ignored the protests and put on what they call minion music, music from the movie, and thought we would all make the puppets together. However they were more interested in watching the music videos from the movie on the Ipad than helping me and I realized that if these puppets were going to come out looking at all like minions I was going to need to focus so I let them watch the music videos while I drew little faces on the yellow gloves. It was a fairly quiet craft, me sitting at the table willing these yellow gloves to transform into little minion puppets, and the kids sitting next to me hoarsely laughing at the minions dancing on the screen.wpid-20141114_094844.jpg

I finished drawing the faces on the gloves and cut the fingers off of the gloves, all without the kids really noticing. Once they were finished they finally took notice of the little minion like things laying on the table. Happy that they were finally showing some enthusiasm I placed one minion on each of their little fingers. Their faces light up and it felt really good. After posing for a few photos they told me they wanted to do a puppet show. I was happy feeling slightly like a super nanny by inspiring their imaginations.They climbed into their little castle and I stationed myself back on the couch with the blanket. Sadly the puppet show was incredibly short! It probably lasted all of three or four minutes.

Forgive the mess in the background!
Forgive the mess in the background!

Even though this craft was a success in that I was able to pull off drawing minion faces and Penny and Jude played with them, I was disappointed in the end result. I thought the kids would be more enthusiastic about the puppets and want to play with them longer. Of course if we hadn’t all been sick or it had just been a different day this craft might had ended in a more satisfactory way for me. So I’m calling this craft a success, and perhaps on another day they will end up playing with the puppets for longer, at least now we have them. If you want to try these finger puppets out for yourself heres the link and let me know how they turn out! And if you for some strange reason want to read even more of my thoughts while I was making them see the picture below. Alright well until next week, have a great weekend!Screenshot_2014-11-15-19-36-42

Despicable Fingers

This is going to be a fun week! As you may have been able to gather from the title of this post this week Penny, Jude, and I will be making something that has to do with Despicable Me. What we will be doing is making finger puppets. They look super cute and fun. The kids LOVE Despicable Me and so I can only imagine that when I tell them what we will be doing they are going to freak out! But before I get into all of that let me give you a little of the back information for this craft. I, of course, originally found this craft on pinterist and followed it to the blog it originated from. The brilliant mom that came up with these little yellow trouble makers is Paging Fun Mums! Her blog is fantastic, I will definitely be trying out some of her other crafts in the future. Anyway I found this idea back in September while I was having a marathon pinterest session, immediately I thought that the kids would love doing this and I really hope that is the case.

The semester is coming to a close for me, I have about a month left, and so I am starting to work on all my final projects and I am getting exhausted. Winter break is looking really good right now. For these reasons I really need this craft to go over well with Penny and Jude. It’s not that they are incredibly difficult or anything it’s simply that my brain is tired and if these minion finger puppets don’t go over well I am going to have to figure something else to do on the fly and the thought of that makes me even more exhausted!photo-100-copy-4

Ok so that was my moment of “poor me college studentness” thank you for bearing with me. Now let’s talk about these finger puppets! They look easy enough to prep for and make. The only supplies you need are yellow dishwashing gloves, scissors, and a black sharpie. You draw the faces on the fingers of the gloves, with the sharpie, and then cut the fingers off the gloves to fit the little fingers they will be going on. And that’s it! Simple right?! Or are they…

I’m going to be honest with you, I am not good at drawing, like sometimes stick figures are challenging. And so the first disaster that I thought could happen when considering this craft was that I myself without help from the kids would botch this one up royally! I mean honestly this is a real concern, I could totally not be up to the challenge of drawing minion faces on these gloves. They could end up looking awful! But there are also other things that could go wrong, Penny or Jude could grab the scissors, while I am focusing all my attention on not messing up the project, and cut themselves or each other. An eye could be gouged out for goodness sake! As always a fight could break out, resulting in privileges being taken away. Or so many more things could happen, but this is depressing me and so I’m going to end this post saying that everything is going to work out perfectly. Check in on Friday to see is my dream or nightmare comes to reality. Of and here’s a minion video to brighten up your day!