Snow Day Painting!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your celebrations and these first few days of 2015. This past week has been wildly busy for the kids and me, but I am excited to get back into the swing of things with the kids starting this week. I was inspired this morning when I woke up because glorious white snowflakes were falling from the sky! I immediately wanted to do something snow related with the kids this week and when I looked at the weather for the rest of the week and found out that the snow will be staying I was even happier. Thursday is also supposed to be really cold so I as much as I will be wanting to be outside all morning I know an indoor craft is probably best considering I want to be able to hand kids not icicles off to their mom at the end of the day. Luckily yesterday I had a pinning binge session on Winter and Spring crafts for kids and found the perfect one for Thursday!

snow paint recipe 6On Thursday Penny, Jude, and I are going to make snow paint. This is probably one of the simplest crafts I have done with the kids yet considering difficulty and ingredients. All it takes is snow and food coloring to make the paint and paper and brushes for the kids to enjoy it. The blogger that I got it from, Growing a Jeweled Rose, said that the snow will slowly melt creating fun designs on the paper. I’m really excited for this craft because I absolutely love seasonal crafts, and snow is one of my all time favorite things. Penny and Jude also really love painting using anything, like I talked about in my last post, and so I’m excited to see how they react to the snow paint.

This craft seems pretty air tight right? I mean I love snow, they love painting, the recipe is easy, and it’s going to be cold enough for everyone to want to stay inside, what could go wrong? Well right now the biggest problem I can foresee is if the weather app on my phone lied to me. What happens if I wake up Thursday morning and there is no snow?! I’m on Winter Break guys my brain has been shut off to quick thinking for over three weeks now, what if I can’t think up a back up plan? Another foreseeable problem is that food coloring dyes everything that it comes in contact with, everything! I can see Penny and Jude now holding their paint brushes aloft waving them back and forth splattering snow paint all over the room and furnisher. That would not be a fun day for me.

However, it’s snowing outside. Snow is like magic to me, I can’t be pessimistic for long when it’ snowing. In the spirit of snow I’m going to say that the snow will stay and Penny and Jude will behave. Come back on Friday to see if all my snowy dreams have melted away or not. 😉

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